Monday, October 16, 2006

Post surgery!!

As I am sure you have heard by now, I have been doing some commercials for Estetica Institute. I had my breast enhancement procedure done on Friday (yes, friday the 13th!), and am recovering really well!

The staff at Dr. Rankin's office are all sooo nice! I have had surgeries in the past, and every time I come out of recovery I would be crying! A long time ago a doctor suggested to my mom that she bring in a stuffed animal or something that would remind me of the comforts of home...ever since then I always brought my little dog scooter with me! The reason I am telling you all of this is because I thought FOR SURE they were going to laugh at me about my little dog, but they didn't! It was quite the opposite actually, they made sure that scooter was right next to me so that he wouldn't get lost!
I was really impressed with the way they treated me, when we got into the operating room, the staff promptly put an electric blanket on me so I wouldn't get cold, and then put these sleeve like wraps on my calves that gave me a massage! WOW!
My anesthesiologist took the time to make sure I understood what was happening, and was very gentle with the IV for me...I was only awake in the operating room for a few minutes, and then poof I was in recovery! It was really cold in there too, so the nurses gave me another blanket to make sure I was warm enough!

Friday was pretty much a blur, I would wake up, take my medication, and then go back to sleep, Saturday there was pain, but not to the great extent that everyone was saying it would be, Sunday I was still pretty sore, but I was able to take a shower (WAHOO!), let me tell you that was an adventure all its own! Today I went for my first follow up with Dr. Rankin, and he showed me these excersises that I have to do four times a was a little painful the first few times I am not going to lie, but he said that I was doing great, and I get to have my stitches out on Friday yay!

I am serious when I tell you that if you are thinking about cosmetic surgery, you need to set up a free consultation with Dr. Rankin at Estetica Institute, I am putting the link to their website up here. Based on my experience with them so far, I have been SOOO impressed.

More later, but for now I need a nap!


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