Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well, my vacation is over, JD is back, and so now that leaves Tiny and Bill to take their vacations!

Tiny will be out next week which means we all have to pitch in to cover him...NOT an easy task. Tiny answers the phones when listeners call to try and win a prize, make a comment, request a birthday, and sometimes (very rarely of course) when listeners call to complain too! In addition to that he is responsible for making sure Battle of the Sexes questions are all set up, and he really is the link between the sales staff, promotion staff and us! He does a bunch more, but this is just a little of what Bill JD and myself will cover while he is out.

Bill will be out on Monday too, so that means I get to do the news! I am still not seasoned at this at all so I always ask that people have will find my news usually will contain big breaking stories, but then a bunch of entertainment type stuff, and of course sports (I love it!). By the time August gets here we will be back to normal, but for now...hold on!

Don't forget JD's "Big Thank You"...It is an opportunity to say thanks to someone who has touched your life in some special way, and maybe you were never able to say thanks in the unique way you wanted to. Panera Bread is our sponsor, and they provide gift certificates to the ones we read on the air! Just go to our web site, click on JD and the Wake Up Crew, and scroll down for all the details.

Well, I am off to Detroit this weekend to stand in a friends wedding, but will return on Monday...see you in the morning!


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