Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Women Win!

Well the women won Battle of the Sexes AGAIN!! This means we will have to come up with a challenge for JD to do...hmmm!

This week is flying by! I went out with a sales person yesterday to a new client "Creative Creations", also known as Beads Gone Wild! We are putting together a class just for our listeners to attend, and you will have to win it. Each person that wins will get to attend the class with me, and get their own kit to design a piece of jewelry..Fun!
We are working out all the details, and will start it soon.

I also visited another client today, and we discussed me endorsing their buisiness...more details soon, but I am very excited about this because it involves something that I have been thinkng about doing for a while now.

Our annual Song of the Day contest is getting ready to kick off again, and for all of you out there you know what that means...
a new car will be awarded to the person who wins the correct key to start the car! More details on the car are coming, but this is an awesome contest that draws a ton of people.

I have been talking with the my friends over at the animal rescue league about their annual "Fur Ball" It is next saturday night, and is for a great cause that I hold close to my heart...the animals of course! You can get information on their web site: www.hspb.org.

That is really all for now, we're talking to Vince Gill later this week so be sure to tune in and find out what is new with him!

See you in the morning!


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